
My intention studying Sound Art

I would like to share with you why I would like to choose to take Sound Art course. I studied music when I was a primary school student and also during my secondary and tertiary studies. However, I cannot find a way to be creative in the field of traditional music. And now, I still love music.

I took a course last year called the Cultures of Mediated Perception. I first knew about how people perceives sound. They are Pierre Schaeffer's Music Concrete - treating each sound as an object and Soundscape recording proposed by Murray Schafer. I found that it is interesting to record sound and notice about sound in these ways. In fact, I haven't thought of making music in these two ways.

So, I have done a final project by recording some sounds that are memorable for me, representing Hong Kong and treated as sound effects. Then, I edited them together into a piece of music - Symphony of Hong Kong. My friends think that it is like a diary more than a symphony as it is more like a personal experience. Then, fine, I accept this comment. And please enjoy my first sound/music work.

